Maze Runner
By: James Dashner
This book is full of action and adventure, but it’s not too childish. For some of you this might be the perfect book. This book is about a group of boys that don’t remember any of their past but are sent to a maze. 1 boy is sent every month with 1 memory and that is of their name. A boy named Thomas was sent one month and the next day someone else had arrived. Not only was this really unusual but this had never happened before. To add on to that a GIRL was sent to the maze named Teresa. Things started to get suspicious and weird. I love this book because I enjoy reading books with action and adventure to it, without it being too young to read for my age. Thomas reminds me of myself because he seemed really carious in the book and just wanted to learn about his surroundings. There is also a movie on this book which I also really loved. This book is the first book to the Maze Runner series written my James Dashner. I rate this book a 5. I loved it and recommend it to everyone with a big imagination.